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“When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be.” -Lao Tzu

Ben Dodge Sky Diving Maui

Why do the attorneys at Dodge & Vega never quit? Why is the legal team at Dodge & Vega so motivated to win every single case for their clients? Why are employees so compassionate and kind when helping their clients? Why are there little to no mistakes made by the staff at Dodge & Vega? We believe when you learn more about the personal life of this business owner and what he expects of his business, then you will (1) understand why you receive such committed and dedicated service from the staff; (2) understand why such high and unwavering standards are held by the firm; (3) and understand the incredible trial skills developed with extreme attention to detail.

Ben Dodge is an adventurer, entrepreneur, extreme endurance athlete, public speaker, and a trial lawyer. He firmly believes that you are at least 20X more capable than you think you are. Many basic principles have helped him on his path to success, however there are some core principles he strives to live by such as: Developing solid determination, grit, and commitment. Weaving them intentionally into your character is the foundation for success. Living with intention and purpose. Never surrender.

Ben comes from this extreme endurance athlete background where he has forged through sheer grit and determination the backbone that Dodge & Vega is based from. Pushing through the challenging situations, never taking the easy way out for a meaningless and defeated result, enduring the long and the tedious circumstances, understanding the hardship of others around you, navigating towards efficient and successful results, and so much more. These values and principles are what seeps into every aspect of how and why we do what we do at Dodge & Vega. As an Entrepreneur, Ben has started Dodge & Vega PLC, Bike Accident Attorneys PLC, and Affect Epic along with numerous other little ventures and co-ventures.

Ben Dodge, Trial Lawyer Adventurer

At Dodge & Vega, he has created a family law practice serving the families going through issues of divorce, child custody, child support, and more. He offers criminal defense to those accused of criminal activity. He developed a bankruptcy practice helping families who are struggling with excessive debt. Finally there is a personal injury division at Dodge & Vega where people who have been injured in auto accidents can get relief and legal representation from his firm.

Ben’s major focus at Dodge & Vega is serving in his role as managing partner. However, his cases at any given time at Dodge Vega typically include:

  • Personal Injury
  • Bicycle Accident Law
  • Motorcycle Accident Law
  • Auto Accident Law
  • Wrongful Death
  • Bankruptcy law
  • Family Law
  • Business Law
  • Estate Planning
Ben Dodge RAAM 2019

Through his other law firm, Bike Accident Attorneys, Ben and his staff are entirely dedicated to helping and protecting cyclists. Cycling, especially endurance racing, is one of his greatest passions. He is proud to claim that through Bike Accident Attorneys PLC his only clients will always and forever be cyclists. The entire firm has only ever been committed to representing injured cyclists.

Affect Epic, is a leadership development firm Ben started a few years ago. It is an exciting way for him to give back to other business owners and help them along their path. Through Affect Epic, Ben reaches executives and business leaders who want to improve their business and or leadership capacities. He meets with and coaches business leaders, engages in public and motivational speaking engagements. Helping other business owners and leaders reach more of their potential is a source of great joy for Ben. He has been blessed with opportunities to speak all over the US and in several countries in South America.

Ben Dodge – Harley Davidson

Adventuring is one of Ben’s lifelong pursuits. His love for adventure is a major driving force in his life. He has said, “Every single good thing I have in my life has come from seeking adventure.” There is adventure in going to college, starting a business, or hiking some insanely high mountain top. Some of his more favorite adventures include:

  • 8X Full Ironman Triathlons, 140.6 miles. 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run.
  • KOKORO Navy Seal Program Graduate, Class of 26, “Hooyah.”
  • Race Across America 2 Person Team Finisher; 2nd Place. 3,000 mile non stop bicycle race from Oceanside CA, to Annapolis MD, 7.5 days.
  • Race Across America 8 Person Team Finisher; 3,000 mile non stop bicycle race from Oceanside CA, to Annapolis MD, 7 days.
  • Race Across France 2 Person Team Finisher, 2nd Place; 1,500 mile non stop bicycle race from Nice France, to Le Torquet France.
  • Race Across the West Solo finisher. 934 mile non stop bicycle race from Oceanside CA, to Durango CO.
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro Summit, Lemosho Route, 2022.
  • Multiple Mt. Whitney Summits
  • 9X LOTOJA finisher; 204 mile non stop bicycle race, longest 1 day USAC sanctioned race in the USA.
  • Multi 50 & 100 mile marathon finisher.
  • Multiple 500+ Mile Cycling Endurance races such as the Saints to Sinners, Salt to Saint, etc.
  • Everesting Hells 500 member, and 1st to Everest on Mt Lemmon (climb 29,029′ in one ride on one segment).
  • Multiple Skydiving Adventures
  • Survival Camping
  • Motorcycle trips throughout the U.S. (especially with his riding buddy “Harley” – one of his Australian Shepherds).
  • Traveled throughout the world, including speaking engagements in South America, and throughout the US.

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